Geoff McLane - Page2 (GA)

Hi ... I am Geoff McLane, and I live in Antony, France. I am a Computer Consultant and enjoy Computer Programming. I seek positions and projects to use this experience. There is more information in the menu items, or send an email.

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If, on entry, you wondered "what was that picture...?" or akin, see below .

TRK ICON to details in trk.htm WHAT WAS THAT PICTURE? 
In brief, as you fly around in MS Flight simulator there are programs that can record the track, height, speed, etc and write a text file. This was an attempt to graphically redisplay the flight text. I took off from Sydney International, took a right, looping full around over Sydney harbour and up North coast a little. Then circled (right, out to sea, which is what you see, no. 91 of 127 frames at 4500 feet), then back to land again. You are only seeing one frozen image out of the hour or so the flight took. *** BACK to Entry Logo ***

 Old French French flag, with link to home2f.htm Version

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Copyright © Geoff R. McLane - Project: GA June, 2007
Antony, France

small house image, with link to amaison.htm


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