Java Page

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Link Title Date
location.htm Some .location, and other items 2009/12/31
jsref.htm Personal Reference Pointer 2008/06/30
test2.htm test2 2007/06/17
browser.htm Your Browser Information 2007/06/17
java-01.htm java-01.htm Test File 2007/06/17
colours.htm COLOURS 2007/06/12
popup1.htm Popup New Page 2007/06/12
moon.htm MOON PHASE 2007/06/12
java.htm Javascript 2007/06/12
index.htm Blank Template Page 2007/06/11
moonpg2.htm Moon Phases 2007/06/03
stopwatch.htm simple javascript stopwatch 2007/06/03
menu1.htm Java Menu - Pictorial 2007/06/03
earl.htm A Sydney Flat 2007/06/03
jswave1.htm Java Script Wave 2007/06/03
javatime.htm TimerClass 2007/06/03
java_sun2.htm Java Sun 2 - FTP 2007/06/03
java_sun1.htm Java Sun 2007/06/03
java_sun.htm Sun Java 2007/06/03
java1.htm JAVA1 2007/06/03
counter.htm A Cookie Counter 2007/06/03
clock2.htm Java Clock and Planes 2007/06/03
time.htm World Time 2007/06/03
anoclk.htm JavaScript Analogue Clock 2007/06/03
moonpg5.htm MOON 5 2007/06/02
moonpg3.htm MORE MOON 2007/06/02
moonpg4.htm My Moon Stuff 2007/06/02
page4.htm Just Moon Stuff 2007/06/02
planes.htm planes 2007/06/02
moonpg6.htm MOON 6 2005/04/20

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