#!/usr/bin/perl -w # NAME: wait_key.pl # AIM: Just a test of wait_key... use strict; use warnings; ## use Term::TermKey; - NOT available sub prt($) { print shift; } sub get_stdin($) { my ($rc) = shift; ${$rc} = ; } sub wait_key_input($) { my ($msg) = shift; if (length($msg)) { prt($msg); } my $char = ''; get_stdin(\$char); if ($char =~ /^y/i) { return 1; } return 0; } prt("Wait key test... NOTE: An ENTER key is required to terminate the input!\n"); if (wait_key_input("Enter 'y' to continue : ")) { prt("Got 'y'... continuing...\n"); } else { prt("Did not get 'y' - Abort\n"); } # eof - wait_key.pl