#!/usr/bin/perl -w ########################################################################################## # include module: lib_utils.pl (was fgutils02.pl) # 01/08/2012 Added set_load_log($arg,$rll) - set 3 if ^lll, 2 if ^ll, else 1 # 18/02/2011 Added several time functions - # 17/02/2011 Added funtion prt_log(msg) to directly write to LOG file, if open. # 13/12/2010 Added function is_ulog_open(), to do own writing if required # 30/10/2010 Added trim_tailing($) and trim_leading($) called in trim_ends($) # 08/09/2010 geoff mclane http://geoffair.net/mperl ########################################################################################## use strict; use warnings; use Time::gmtime; my $os = $^O; my $PATH_SEP = '/'; if ($os =~ /win/i) { $PATH_SEP = "\\"; } our $LF; my $def_src_filt = "cpp;c;cxx;rc;def;r;odl;idl;hpj;bat;for;f90"; my $def_hdr_filt = "h;hpp;hxx;hm;inl;fi;fd"; my $def_rcs_filt = "ico;cur;bmp;dlg;rc2;rct;bin;cnt;rtf;gif;jpg;jpeg;jpe"; my $def_spl_filt = "txt;vc5;h-msvc8;asm"; my $def_oth_filt = $def_hdr_filt.';'.$def_rcs_filt.';'.$def_spl_filt; my $def_src_grp = "Source Files"; # Begin Group "Source Files" my $def_hdr_grp = "Header Files"; # Begin Group "Header Files" my $def_rcs_grp = "Resource Files"; # Begin Group "Resource Files" my $def_spl_grp = "Special Files"; my $def_unknown = "Other Files"; my $vs_install_directory = ''; sub get_def_src_filt { return $def_src_filt; } sub get_def_hdr_filt { return $def_hdr_filt; } sub get_def_rcs_filt { return $def_rcs_filt; } sub get_def_spl_filt { return $def_spl_filt; } sub get_def_src_grp { return $def_src_grp; } sub get_def_hdr_grp { return $def_hdr_grp; } sub get_def_rcs_grp { return $def_rcs_grp; } sub get_def_spl_grp { return $def_spl_grp; } ######## LOG FILE STUFF ######### my $write_log = 0; sub is_ulog_open { return $write_log; } sub open_log { my ($f) = shift; open $LF, ">$f" or die "ERROR: Unable to open $f ...\n"; $write_log = 1; } sub prt_log { if ($write_log) { print $LF shift; } } sub prt { my ($msg) = shift; if ($write_log) { print $LF $msg; } print $msg; } sub mydie { my ($msg) = shift; if ($write_log) { print $LF $msg; } die $msg; } sub close_log { my ($of, $p) = @_; prt( "Closing LOG and passing $of to system ...\nMay need to CLOSE 'editor' to exit ...\n") if ($p); if ($write_log) { close( $LF ); } $write_log = 0; if ($p) { if ($os =~ /win/i) { if ($p == 3) { system( "npp $of" ); } elsif ($p == 2) { system( "ep $of" ); } else { system( $of ); } } else { system( "nano $of" ); } } } sub set_load_log($$) { my ($arg,$rll) = @_; my $val = 1; if ($arg =~ /^lll/) { $val = 3; } elsif ($arg =~ /^ll/) { $val = 2; } ${$rll} = $val; } sub write2file { my ($txt,$fil) = @_; open WOF, ">$fil" or mydie("ERROR: Unable to open $fil! $!\n"); print WOF $txt; close WOF; } sub append2file { my ($txt,$fil) = @_; open WOF, ">>$fil" or mydie("ERROR: Unable to open $fil! $!\n"); print WOF $txt; close WOF; } sub trim_leading($) { my ($ln) = shift; $ln = substr($ln,1) while ($ln =~ /^\s/); # remove all LEADING space return $ln; } sub trim_tailing($) { my ($ln) = shift; $ln = substr($ln,0, length($ln) - 1) while ($ln =~ /\s$/g); # remove all TRAILING space return $ln; } sub trim_ends($) { my ($ln) = shift; $ln = trim_tailing($ln); # remove all TRAINING space $ln = trim_leading($ln); # remove all LEADING space return $ln; } sub trim_all { my ($ln) = shift; $ln =~ s/\n/ /gm; # replace CR (\n) $ln =~ s/\r/ /gm; # replace LF (\r) $ln =~ s/\t/ /g; # TAB(s) to a SPACE $ln = trim_ends($ln); $ln =~ s/\s{2}/ /g while ($ln =~ /\s{2}/); # all double space to SINGLE return $ln; } ######################################### ###### relative path stuff ############## sub path_u2d($) { my ($ud) = shift; $ud =~ s/\//\\/g; return $ud; } sub path_d2u($) { my ($du) = shift; $du =~ s/\\/\//g; return $du; } # 20120413 - Another try to get this RIGHT sub get_relative_path4($$) { my ($to,$from) = @_; my $dbg_rel = 0; my $cos = $^O; my $cos_is_win = ($cos =~ /Win/i) ? 1 : 0; my $path_sep = "/"; $path_sep = "\\" if ($cos_is_win); prt("OS is ".(($cos_is_win) ? "Windows" : "Unix")."\n") if ($dbg_rel); # remove drives, if present if ($cos_is_win) { $to = path_u2d($to); $from = path_u2d($from); } else { $to = path_d2u($to); $from = path_d2u($from); } my ($cpos); if ($cos_is_win) { if ( ($cpos = index($to, ":")) != -1 ) { $to = substr($to, $cpos+1 ); } if ( ($cpos = index( $from, ":" )) != -1 ) { $from = substr($from, $cpos+1 ); } # should check DRIVES are the SAME } # remove leading '\' or '/' $to =~ s/^(\\|\/)//; $from =~ s/^(\\|\/)//; # remove trailing '\' or '/', if present $to =~ s/(\\|\/)$//; $from =~ s/(\\|\/)$//; # get path arrays my (@arr0,@arr1,@arr2); if ($cos_is_win) { @arr0 = split(/\\/,$to); $to = lc($to); $from = lc($from); @arr1 = split(/\\/,$to); @arr2 = split(/\\/,$from); } else { @arr0 = split(/\//,$to); @arr1 = split(/\//,$to); @arr2 = split(/\//,$from); } my $len1 = scalar @arr1; my $len2 = scalar @arr2; my $max = ($len1 < $len2) ? $len1 : $len2; my ($ccnt,$comcnt,$sub1,$sub2); $comcnt = 0; # eliminate common start, if any for ($ccnt = 0; $ccnt < $max; $ccnt++) { $sub1 = $arr1[$ccnt]; $sub2 = $arr2[$ccnt]; if ($sub1 eq $sub2) { $comcnt++; # prt("sm [$sub1] == [$sub2] "); } else { last; } } prt("Common $comcnt") if ($dbg_rel); # back up for the difference remaining of the from $cpos = $len2 - $comcnt; my $relpath = ''; prt(", backup $cpos out [$from]$len2 ") if ($dbg_rel); while ($cpos) { $relpath .= "..".$path_sep; $cpos--; } # append to remaining to components $cpos = $len1 - $comcnt; prt(", append $cpos of [$to]$len1") if ($dbg_rel); for (;$comcnt < $len1 ; $comcnt++) { $relpath .= $arr0[$comcnt].$path_sep; } prt(", result [$relpath]\n") if ($dbg_rel); return $relpath; } # Given TWO FOLDER, attempt to get RELATIVE PATH from the FROM DIRECTORY, # to the TARGET DIRECTORY. MUSTS BE DIRECTORIES, NOT FILE PATHS ##my $rel = get_relative_path( $htm_folder, $my_folder ); added 20070820 # seems to work fine ... still under test!!! # 17/11/2007 - Further refinement to REMOVE all warnings sub get_relative_path_reversed_words { my ($target, $fromdir) = @_; my $dbg_rel = 0; my ($colonpos, $path, $posval, $diffpos, $from, $to); my ($tlen, $flen); my ($lento, $lenfrom); my $retrel = ""; # only work with slash - convert DOS backslash to slash $target = path_d2u($target); $fromdir = path_d2u($fromdir); # add '/' to target. if missing if (substr($target, length($target)-1, 1) ne '/') { $target .= '/'; } # add '/' to fromdir. if missing if (substr($fromdir, length($fromdir)-1, 1) ne '/') { $fromdir .= '/'; } # remove drives, if present if ( ( $colonpos = index( $target, ":" ) ) != -1 ) { $target = substr( $target, $colonpos+1 ); } if ( ( $colonpos = index( $fromdir, ":" ) ) != -1 ) { $fromdir = substr( $fromdir, $colonpos+1 ); } # got the TO and FROM ... $to = $target; $from = $fromdir; print "To [$to], from [$from] ...\n" if ($dbg_rel); $path = ''; $posval = 0; $retrel = ''; $lento = length($to); $lenfrom = length($from); # // Step through the paths until a difference is found (ignore slash differences) # // or until the end of one is found while ( ($posval < $lento) && ($posval < $lenfrom) ) { if ( substr($from,$posval,1) eq substr($to,$posval,1) ) { $posval++; # bump to next } else { last; # break; } } # // Save the position of the first difference $diffpos = $posval; # // Check if the directories are the same or # // the if target is in a subdirectory of the fromdir if ( ( !substr($from,$posval,1) ) && ( substr($to,$posval,1) eq "/" || !substr($to,$posval,1) ) ) { # // Build relative path $diffpos = length($target); if (($posval + 1) < $diffpos) { $diffpos-- if ($diffpos); if ($diffpos > $posval) { $diffpos -= $posval; } else { $diffpos = 0; } ###$retrel = substr( $target, $posval+1, length( $target ) ); print "Return substr of target, from ".($posval+1).", for $diffpos length ...\n" if ($dbg_rel); $retrel = substr( $target, $posval+1, $diffpos ); } else { print "posval+1 (".($posval+1).") greater than length $diffpos ...\n" if ($dbg_rel); } } else { # // find out how many "../"'s are necessary # // Step through the fromdir path, checking for slashes # // each slash encountered requires a "../" #$posval++; while ( substr($from,$posval,1) ) { print "Check for slash ... $posval in $from\n" if ($dbg_rel); if ( substr($from,$posval,1) eq "/" ) { # || ( substr($from,$posval,1) eq "\\" ) ) { print "Found a slash, add a '../' \n" if ($dbg_rel); $path .= "../"; } $posval++; } print "Path [$path] ...\n" if ($dbg_rel); # // Search backwards to find where the first common directory # // as some letters in the first different directory names # // may have been the same $diffpos--; while ( ( substr($to,$diffpos,1) ne "/" ) && substr($to,$diffpos,1) ) { $diffpos--; } # // Build relative path to return $retrel = $path . substr( $target, $diffpos+1, length( $target ) ); } print "Returning [$retrel] ...\n" if ($dbg_rel); return $retrel; } sub get_relative_path { my ($fromdir, $targdir) = @_; my $dbg_rel = 0; my ($colonpos, $path, $posval, $diffpos, $topath, $frpath); my ($tlen, $flen); my ($frlen, $tolen); my $retrel = ""; # only work with slash - convert DOS backslash to slash $fromdir = path_d2u($fromdir); $targdir = path_d2u($targdir); # add '/' to from, if missing $fromdir .= '/' if (substr($fromdir, length($fromdir)-1, 1) ne '/'); # add '/' to fromdir. if missing $targdir .= '/' if (substr($targdir, length($targdir)-1, 1) ne '/'); # remove drives, if present $fromdir = substr( $fromdir, $colonpos+1 ) if ( ( $colonpos = index( $fromdir, ":" ) ) != -1 ); $targdir = substr( $targdir, $colonpos+1 ) if ( ( $colonpos = index( $targdir, ":" ) ) != -1 ); # got the TO and FROM ... $frpath = $fromdir; $topath = $targdir; print "From [$frpath], To [$topath] ...\n" if ($dbg_rel); $path = ''; $posval = 0; $retrel = ''; $frlen = length($frpath); $tolen = length($topath); # // Step through the paths until a difference is found (ignore slash differences) # // or until the end of one is found while ( ($posval < $frlen) && ($posval < $tolen) ) { if ( substr($topath,$posval,1) eq substr($frpath,$posval,1) ) { $posval++; # bump to next } else { last; # break; } } # // Save the position of the first difference $diffpos = $posval; # // Check if the directories are the same or # // the if target is in a subdirectory of the fromdir if ( ( !substr($topath,$posval,1) ) && ( substr($frpath,$posval,1) eq "/" || !substr($frpath,$posval,1) ) ) { # // Build relative path $diffpos = length($fromdir); if (($posval + 1) < $diffpos) { $diffpos-- if ($diffpos); if ($diffpos > $posval) { $diffpos -= $posval; } else { $diffpos = 0; } ###$retrel = substr( $fromdir, $posval+1, length( $fromdir ) ); print "Return substr of target, from ".($posval+1).", for $diffpos length ...\n" if ($dbg_rel); $retrel = substr( $fromdir, $posval+1, $diffpos ); } else { print "posval+1 (".($posval+1).") greater than length $diffpos ...\n" if ($dbg_rel); } } else { # // find out how many "../"'s are necessary # // Step through the fromdir path, checking for slashes # // each slash encountered requires a "../" #$posval++; while ( substr($topath,$posval,1) ) { print "Check for slash ... $posval in $topath\n" if ($dbg_rel); if ( substr($topath,$posval,1) eq "/" ) { # || ( substr($topath,$posval,1) eq "\\" ) ) { print "Found a slash, add a '../' \n" if ($dbg_rel); $path .= "../"; } $posval++; } print "Path [$path] ...\n" if ($dbg_rel); # Search backwards to find where the first common directory # as some letters in the first different directory names # may have been the same $diffpos--; $diffpos-- while ( ( substr($frpath,$diffpos,1) ne "/" ) && substr($frpath,$diffpos,1) ); # Build relative path to return $retrel = $path . substr( $fromdir, $diffpos+1, length( $fromdir ) ); } print "Returning [$retrel] ...\n" if ($dbg_rel); return $retrel; } sub get_rel_dos_path { my ($from, $targ) = @_; my $rp = get_relative_path($from, $targ); $rp = path_u2d($rp); return $rp; } ######################################### # RENAME A FILE TO .OLD, or .BAK # 0 - do nothing if file does not exist. # 1 - rename to .OLD if .OLD does NOT exist # 2 - rename to .BAK, if .OLD already exists, # 3 - deleting any previous .BAK ... sub rename_2_old_bak { my ($fil) = shift; my $ret = 0; # assume NO SUCH FILE if ( -f $fil ) { # is there? my ($nm,$dir,$ext) = fileparse( $fil, qr/\.[^.]*/ ); my $nmbo = $dir . $nm . '.old'; $ret = 1; # assume renaming to OLD if ( -f $nmbo) { # does OLD exist $ret = 2; # yes - rename to BAK $nmbo = $dir . $nm . '.bak'; if ( -f $nmbo ) { $ret = 3; unlink $nmbo; } } rename $fil, $nmbo; } return $ret; } sub rename_2_old_bak_plus { my ($fil) = shift; my $ret = 0; # assume NO SUCH FILE if ( -f $fil ) { # is there? my $nmbo = $fil . '.old'; $ret = 1; # assume renaming to OLD if ( -f $nmbo) { # does OLD exist $ret = 2; # yes - rename to BAK $nmbo = $fil . '.bak'; if ( -f $nmbo ) { $ret = 3; unlink $nmbo; } } rename $fil, $nmbo; } return $ret; } # miscellaneous items sub add_quotes { my ($txt) = shift; return '"'.$txt.'"'; } sub is_in_array { my ($itm, @arr) = @_; my $max = scalar @arr; for (my $k = 0; $k < $max; $k++) { if ($arr[$k] eq $itm) { return $k + 1; # return offset plus 1 } } return 0; } # 20120414 - is_in_array_nc - as above, but case insensitive sub is_in_array_nc { my ($itm, $rarr) = @_; my $max = scalar @{$rarr}; my $lcitm = lc($itm); my ($k,$tst,$lctst); for ($k = 0; $k < $max; $k++) { $tst = ${$rarr}[$k]; $lctst = lc($tst); if ($lctst eq $lcitm) { return $k + 1; # return offset plus 1 } } return 0; } # 29/10/2008 - The DEFAULT filter is - # # PROP Default_Filter "cpp;c;cxx;rc;def;r;odl;idl;hpj;bat" # WHICH INCLUDES A LOT MORE - 20090915 - added '.cc', seen in some unix sources sub is_c_source { my $f = shift; return 1 if ( ($f =~ /\.c$/i) || ($f =~ /\.cpp$/i) || ($f =~ /\.cxx$/i) || ($f =~ /\.cc$/i) ); return 1 if ($f =~ /\.fl$/i); # 31/05/2010 - add *.fl extent for FLTK project return 0; } # 2010-07-31 - added .inl # 2012-04-19 - exclude MSVC10 _mainfest.rc sub is_c_source_extended { my $f = shift; if (is_c_source($f) ) { return 1; } elsif ($f =~ /_manifest\.rc$/i) { return 0; } elsif ( ($f =~ /\.rc$/i) || ($f =~ /\.def$/i) || ($f =~ /\.odl$/i) || ($f =~ /\.idl$/i) || ($f =~ /\.hpj$/i) || ($f =~ /\.bat$/i) || ($f =~ /\.asm$/i) || ($f =~ /\.nas$/i) || ($f =~ /\.inl$/i) ) { return 1; } return 0; } sub is_h_source { my $f = shift; if ( ($f =~ /\.h$/i) || ($f =~ /\.hpp$/i) || ($f =~ /\.hxx$/i) ) { return 1; } return 0; } sub is_h_special { my $f = shift; if (($f =~ /osg/i)||($f =~ /OpenThreads/i)||($f =~ /Producer/i)) { return 1; } elsif ($f =~ /\.ipp$/i) { return 1; } return 0; } sub is_h_source_extended { my ($f) = shift; if (is_h_source($f)) { return 1; } elsif ($f =~ /README/i) { return 1; } elsif (is_h_special($f)) { return 1; } return 0; } sub is_resource_file($) { my ($f) = shift; my @res_extents = qw( ico cur bmp dlg rc rc2 rct bin rgs gif jpg jpeg jpe wav ); foreach my $ext (@res_extents) { if ($f =~ /\.$ext$/i) { return 1; } } return 0; } sub is_config_file_like($) { my ($f) = shift; return 1 if ($f =~ /config\.h/); return 0; } sub is_text_ext_file($) { my ($f) = shift; return 1 if ($f =~ /\.txt$/i); return 0; } sub strip_dotrel { my ($txt) = shift; $txt =~ s/^\.(\\|\/)//; return $txt; } # split_space - space_split - # like split(/\s/,$txt), but honour double inverted commas # also accept and split '"something"/>', but ONLY if in the tail # 2010/05/05 - also want to avoid a tag of '"zlib">' sub space_split { my ($txt) = shift; my $len = length($txt); my ($k, $ch, $tag, $incomm, $k2, $nch); my @arr = (); $tag = ''; $incomm = 0; for ($k = 0; $k < $len; $k++) { $ch = substr($txt,$k,1); $k2 = $k + 1; $nch = ($k2 < $len) ? substr($txt,$k2,1) : ""; if ($incomm) { $incomm = 0 if ($ch eq '"'); $tag .= $ch; # add 2010/05/05 to avoid say '"zlib">' begin a tag if (!$incomm) { push(@arr,$tag); $tag = ''; } } elsif ($ch =~ /\s/) { # any spacey char push(@arr, $tag) if (length($tag)); $tag = ''; } elsif (($ch =~ /\//)&&($nch eq '>')) { # 04/10/2008, but only if before '>' 24/09/2008 add this as well push(@arr, $tag) if (length($tag)); $tag = $ch; # restart tag with this character } else { $tag .= $ch; $incomm = 1 if ($ch eq '"'); } } push(@arr, $tag) if (length($tag)); return @arr; } sub space_split_ref($) { my $txt = shift; my @arr = space_split($txt); return \@arr; } sub space_split_to_rh($) { my ($cur) = shift; my @arr = space_split($cur); my %h = (); foreach my $itm (@arr) { $h{$itm} = 1; } return \%h; } # for space_split_to_hash(), space_split_2_hash() - see space_split_to_rh() sub get_only_new_items($$) { my ($cval,$val) = @_; my $nval = ''; my $rh1 = space_split_to_rh($cval); my $rh2 = space_split_to_rh($val); my ($key); foreach $key (keys %{$rh2}) { if (! defined ${$rh1}{$key} ) { $nval .= ' ' if (length($nval)); $nval .= $key; } } return $nval; } sub array_2_hash_on_equals { my (@inarr) = @_; my %hash = (); my ($itm, @arr, $key, $val, $al, $a, $cnt, $titm); $cnt = 0; foreach $itm (@inarr) { $cnt++; $titm = trim_all($itm); if (length($titm) == 0) { prt( "NOTE: fgutils:array_2_hash_on_equals: Item $cnt has NO length in passed array!\n" ); next; } elsif ($titm eq '=') { # 20090912 - lets overlook this = no noise ### prt( "NOTE: fgutils:array_2_hash_on_equals: Item $cnt is JUST an equal sign! [$itm]!\n" ); next; } @arr = split('=',$itm); $al = scalar @arr; $key = $arr[0]; $val = ''; for ($a = 1; $a < $al; $a++) { $val .= '=' if length($val); $val .= $arr[$a]; } if (defined $key && length($key)) { if (defined $hash{$key}) { prtw( "WARNING: array_2_hash_on_equals: Duplicate KEY: [$key] ... ADDING val [$val]\n" ); $hash{$key} .= "\@".$val; } else { $hash{$key} = $val; } } else { if (defined $key) { prt( "NOTE: fgutils:array_2_hash_on_equals: Item $cnt:$itm: key=[$key] has NO length in passed array!\n" ); } else { prt( "NOTE: fgutils:array_2_hash_on_equals: Item $cnt:$itm: key is NOT set in passed array!\n" ); } } } return %hash; } sub strip_square_braces($) { my $txt = shift; if ($txt =~ /^\[(.*)\]$/) { $txt = $1; } return $txt; } sub strip_double_quotes($) { my ($ln) = shift; $ln = substr($ln,1,length($ln)-2) if ($ln =~ /^".*"$/); return $ln; } sub strip_single_quotes($) { my ($ln) = shift; $ln = substr($ln,1,length($ln)-2) if ($ln =~ /^'.*'$/); return $ln; } sub strip_both_quotes { my ($ln) = shift; $ln = strip_double_quotes($ln); $ln = strip_single_quotes($ln); return $ln; } sub strip_quotes { my ($ln) = shift; return strip_double_quotes($ln); } # seems MSVC8, and maybe others, when converting the MSVC6 DSP # to a VCPORJ file can NOT tollerate a command # ending in a '\' character, without quotes around it # ######################################################### sub massage_command { my ($txt) = shift; if ($txt =~ /\\$/) { my ($len, $ch, $bgn, $end); # need to back up to previous space, # and add quotes around the last command $len = length($txt); while ($len) { $len--; $ch = substr($txt,$len,1); if ($ch eq ' ') { last; } } if ($len) { $len++; $bgn = substr($txt,0,$len); $end = substr($txt,$len); $txt = $bgn.add_quotes($end); } } return $txt; } # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 # ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time); # so if I want the DIR form #01/10/2008 16:01 SimGear #16/09/2008 11:38 500 slnlist.txt sub show_file_stat { #use File::stat; #use File::Basename; my ($fil, $pr) = @_; my ($nm,$dr) = fileparse($fil); my ($sb, $msg); $dr = '' if ($dr eq ".\\"); if ($sb = stat($fil)) { my @lt = localtime($sb->mtime); if (-d $fil) { $msg = sprintf( "%02d/%02d/%04d %02d:%02d %12s %s %s", $lt[3], $lt[4]+1, $lt[5]+1900, $lt[2], $lt[1], "", $nm, $dr ); } else { $msg = sprintf( "%02d/%02d/%04d %02d:%02d %12d %s %s", $lt[3], $lt[4]+1, $lt[5]+1900, $lt[2], $lt[1], $sb->size, $nm, $dr ); } } else { $msg = "FAILED: stat of $nm $dr! $!"; } prt( "$msg\n" ) if $pr; return $msg; } # only change is to add the 'caller' - for DEBUG - who called this? sub fix_rel_path3($$) { my ($path,$caller) = @_; $path = path_u2d($path); # ENSURE DOS PATH SEPARATOR (in relative.pl) my @a = split(/\\/, $path); my $npath = ''; my $max = scalar @a; my @na = (); my ($pt); for (my $i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) { my $p = $a[$i]; if ($p eq '.') { # ignore this } elsif ($p eq '..') { if (@na) { pop @na; # discard previous } else { prtw( "WARNING:$caller: Got relative .. without previous!!! path=$path\n" ); prt("Any key to continue "); $pt = <>; } } else { push(@na,$p); } } foreach $pt (@na) { $npath .= "\\" if length($npath); $npath .= $pt; } return $npath; } sub fix_rel_path { my ($path) = shift; $path = path_u2d($path); # ENSURE DOS PATH SEPARATOR my @a = split(/\\+/, $path); my $npath = ''; my $max = scalar @a; my @na = (); for (my $i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) { my $p = $a[$i]; if ($p eq '.') { # ignore this } elsif ($p eq '..') { if (@na) { pop @na; # discard previous } else { prtw( "WARNING: Got relative .. without previous!!! path=$path\n" ); } } else { push(@na,$p); } } foreach my $pt (@na) { $npath .= "\\" if length($npath); $npath .= $pt; } return $npath; } # ADDED 2009/10/25 sub line_2_hash_on_equals($$) { my ($line,$lnn) = @_; my @inarr = space_split($line); my %hash = (); my ($itm, @arr, $key, $val, $al, $a, $cnt, $titm); my ($cntkey,$lnkey); $cnt = 0; $lnkey = sprintf("%07d",$lnn); foreach $itm (@inarr) { $cnt++; $titm = trim_all($itm); next if (length($titm) == 0); next if ($titm eq '='); @arr = split('=',$titm); $al = scalar @arr; $key = $arr[0]; $val = ''; for ($a = 1; $a < $al; $a++) { $val .= '=' if length($val); $val .= $arr[$a]; } $cntkey = sprintf("%07d",$cnt); if (defined $key && length($key)) { $cntkey = "$lnkey-$cntkey-$key"; if (defined $hash{$cntkey}) { prtw( "WARNING: array_2_hash_on_equals: Duplicate KEY: [$key] ... ADDING val [$val]\n" ); $hash{$cntkey} .= "\@".$val; } else { $hash{$cntkey} = $val; } } else { prtw( "ERROR: KEY NOT DEFINED, OR NO LENGTH!\n" ); exit(1); } } return \%hash; } sub get_vs_vars_bat() { my ($bfil); # 20180521 - Add VC14 in WIN7-PC $bfil = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat'; return $bfil if (-f $bfil); # 15/04/2012 - Add VC10 in Win7-PC $bfil = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat'; return $bfil if (-f $bfil); $bfil = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat'; return $bfil if (-f $bfil); $bfil = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat'; return $bfil if (-f $bfil); $bfil = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\vcvarsall.bat'; return $bfil if (-f $bfil); # MSVC 7.1 # $bfil = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Vc7\bin\vsvars32.bat'; $bfil = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Common7\Tools\vsvars32.bat'; return $bfil if (-f $bfil); $bfil = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat'; return $bfil if (-f $bfil); prtw("WARNING: No known vcvarsall.bat file found! Check location, and FIX\n". "this lib_utils.pl script with location. See get_vs_vars_bat sub.\n"); $bfil = ''; return $bfil; } sub get_vs_install_dir($) { my ($rs) = @_; if ( length($vs_install_directory) ) { ${$rs} = $vs_install_directory; return 1; } my $bfil = get_vs_vars_bat(); ## like 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat'; return 0 if (length($bfil) == 0); my $fil = 'tempvc.txt'; my $bat = 'tempvc.bat'; my $iret = 0; unlink $fil if (-f $fil); if (-f $bfil) { my $msg = '@call "'.$bfil.'" x86 >nul'."\n"; $msg .= "\@echo \%VSINSTALLDIR\% >$fil\n"; # $(WindowsSdkDir)\include #$msg .= "\@echo WindowsSdkDir=\%WindowsSdkDir\% >>$fil\n"; # $(FrameworkSDKDir)include #$msg .= "\@echo FrameworkSDKDir=\%FrameworkSDKDir\% >>$fil\n"; # C:\Program Files\Microsoft DirectX SDK (March 2008)\Include # ALL INCLUDE items #$msg .= "\@echo INCLUDE=\%INCLUDE\% >>$fil\n"; write2file($msg,$bat); system($bat); # run the BATCH file, in the MSVC environment if (open INF, "<$fil") { my @arr = ; close INF; my $tmp = $arr[0]; chomp $tmp; $tmp = substr($tmp,0,length($tmp)-1) while ($tmp =~ /\s$/); ${$rs} = $tmp; $vs_install_directory = $tmp; # prt("lib_utils::get_vs_install_dir: Set VS INSTALL to [$vs_install_directory]\n"); $iret = 1; } else { prtw("ERROR: Failed to open [$fil]!!!\n"); } } else { prtw( "ERROR:lib_utils: Failed to find [$bfil]!\n" ); } unlink $fil if (-f $fil); unlink $bat if (-f $bat); return $iret; } # add to a files HASH, all lower case sub add_to_files_lc($$) { my ($fil,$rh) = @_; my $lcfil = lc($fil); $lcfil = path_u2d($lcfil); $lcfil =~ s/\\\\/\\/g while ($lcfil =~ /\\\\/); $lcfil = fix_rel_path($lcfil) if ($lcfil =~ /^\w{1}:/); $lcfil =~ s/\\\\/\\/g while ($lcfil =~ /\\\\/); return 1 if (defined ${$rh}{$lcfil}); ${$rh}{$lcfil} = $fil; return 0; } my @msvc_dirs = (); my $done_vc_dirs = 0; sub vc_get_include_dirs2($$) { my ($rs,$dbg) = @_; my ($tmp); my @dirs = (); if ($done_vc_dirs) { $tmp = scalar @msvc_dirs; ${$rs} = [ @msvc_dirs ]; if (($dbg & 0x400) && ($done_vc_dirs == 1)) { prt("[x400] vc_get_include_dirs2: return $tmp dirs...\n" ); foreach $tmp (@msvc_dirs) { prt(" [$tmp]\n"); } } $done_vc_dirs++; return $tmp; } my $bfil = get_vs_vars_bat(); ## like 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat'; return 0 if (length($bfil) == 0); my $fil = 'tempvc.txt'; my $bat = 'tempvc.bat'; my $iret = 0; my $dbg_f14 = ($dbg & 1) ? 1 : 0; my $dbg_f15 = ($dbg & 2) ? 1 : 0; my $dbg_f16 = ($dbg & 4) ? 1 : 0; my $dbg_f17 = ($dbg & 8) ? 1 : 0; my $dbg_f18 = ($dbg & 16) ? 1 : 0; my $dbg_f19 = ($dbg & 32) ? 1 : 0; my $dbg_f20 = ($dbg & 64) ? 1 : 0; my $dbg_f21 = ($dbg & 128) ? 1 : 0; my $dbg_f22 = ($dbg & 256) ? 1 : 0; my $dbg_f23 = ($dbg & 0x200) ? 1 : 0; unlink $fil if (-f $fil); unlink $bat if (-f $bat); my %d_added = (); my $rda = \%d_added; if (-f $bfil) { my $msg = '@call "'.$bfil.'" x86 >nul'."\n"; $msg .= "\@echo VSINSTALLDIR=\%VSINSTALLDIR\% >$fil\n"; # $(WindowsSdkDir)\include $msg .= "\@echo WindowsSdkDir=\%WindowsSdkDir\% >>$fil\n"; # $(FrameworkSDKDir)include $msg .= "\@echo FrameworkSDKDir=\%FrameworkSDKDir\% >>$fil\n"; # C:\Program Files\Microsoft DirectX SDK (March 2008)\Include # maybe HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment # DXSDK_DIR=C:\Program Files\Microsoft DirectX SDK (March 2008)\ so... $msg .= "\@echo DXSDK_DIR=\%DXSDK_DIR\% >>$fil\n"; # ALL INCLUDE items $msg .= "\@echo INCLUDE=\%INCLUDE\% >>$fil\n"; write2file($msg,$bat); system($bat); # run it my ($ln,@arr,$var,$val,@arr2,$d2,$lnn); if (open INF, "<$fil") { @arr = ; close INF; @dirs = (); $tmp = scalar @arr; prt( "[f14] Got $tmp lines, from $fil...\n" ) if ($dbg_f14); $lnn = 0; foreach $ln (@arr) { chomp $ln; $ln = substr($ln,0,length($ln)-1) while ($ln =~ /\s$/); $lnn++; prt( "[f15] $lnn: $ln\n" ) if ($dbg_f15); if ($ln =~ /(\w+)=(.+)/) { $var = $1; $val = $2; prt( "[f15] $lnn: $var=$val\n" ) if ($dbg_f15); if ($var eq 'INCLUDE') { @arr2 = split(";",$val); $tmp = scalar @arr2; # prt( "Got $tmp INCLUDE items...\n" ); foreach $d2 (@arr2) { if (-d $d2) { if (add_to_files_lc($d2,$rda)) { prt("[f17] Folder [$d2] already in list.\n") if ($dbg_f17); } else { push(@dirs,$d2); prt("[f16] Added folder [$d2] $var\n") if ($dbg_f16); } } else { prt("NOTE: Can NOT locate folder [$d2] $var\n"); } } } elsif ($var eq 'VSINSTALLDIR') { $d2 = "$val"; $d2 .= "\\" if (!($d2 =~ /(\\|\/)$/)); $d2 .= "VC\\include"; if (-d $d2) { if (add_to_files_lc($d2,$rda)) { prt("[f17] Folder [$d2] already in list.\n") if ($dbg_f17); } else { push(@dirs,$d2); prt("[f16] Added folder [$d2] $var=$val\n") if ($dbg_f16); } } else { prt("NOTE: Can NOT locate folder [$d2] $var=$val\n"); } } elsif ($var eq 'WindowsSdkDir') { $d2 = "$val"; $d2 .= "\\" if (!($d2 =~ /(\\|\/)$/)); $d2 .= "include"; if (-d $d2) { if (add_to_files_lc($d2,$rda)) { prt("[f17] Folder [$d2] already in list.\n") if ($dbg_f17); } else { push(@dirs,$d2); prt("[f16] Added folder [$d2] $var=$val\n") if ($dbg_f16); } } else { prt("[f19] NOTE: Can NOT locate folder [$d2] $var=$val\n") if ($dbg_f19); } } elsif ($var eq 'FrameworkSDKDir') { $d2 = "$val"; $d2 .= "\\" if (!($d2 =~ /(\\|\/)$/)); $d2 .= "include"; if (-d $d2) { if (add_to_files_lc($d2,$rda)) { prt("[f17] Folder [$d2] already in list.\n") if ($dbg_f17); } else { push(@dirs,$d2); prt("[f16] Added folder [$d2] $var=$val\n") if ($dbg_f16); } } else { prt("[f19] NOTE: Can NOT locate folder [$d2] $var=$val\n") if ($dbg_f19); } } elsif ($var eq 'DXSDK_DIR') { $d2 = "$val"; $d2 .= "\\" if (!($d2 =~ /(\\|\/)$/)); $d2 .= "include"; if (-d $d2) { if (add_to_files_lc($d2,$rda)) { prt("[f17] Folder [$d2] already in list.\n") if ($dbg_f17); } else { push(@dirs,$d2); prt("[f16] Added folder [$d2] $var=$val\n") if ($dbg_f16); } } else { prt("[f19] NOTE: Can NOT locate folder [$d2] $var=$val\n") if ($dbg_f19); } } } else { prt("[f18] NOTE: Line [$ln] skipped\n") if ($dbg_f18); } } $tmp = scalar @dirs; if ($dbg_f23) { prt("[x200] vc_get_include_dirs2: return $tmp dirs...\n" ); foreach $tmp (@dirs) { prt(" $tmp\n"); } } ${$rs} = [ @dirs ]; $iret = 1; } else { prtw("ERROR: Failed to open [$fil]!!!\n"); } } else { prtw( "ERROR: Failed to find [$bfil]!\n" ); } if ($dbg_f22) { prt("[f22] NOTE: maybe left [$fil] and [$bat] in local directory!\n") if ($dbg_f22); } else { unlink $fil if (-f $fil); unlink $bat if (-f $bat); } push(@msvc_dirs,@dirs); $done_vc_dirs = 1; return $iret; } sub get_string_with_sep($$) { my ($sep, $txt) = @_; my @av = split(/[,;]/, $txt); my $ref = ''; foreach my $tx (@av) { $tx = substr($tx,1) if ($tx =~ /^\s/); if (length($tx)) { $ref .= ' ' if length($ref); # remove any existing quotes, but add quotes for sure $ref .= $sep.add_quotes(strip_quotes($tx)); } } return $ref; } sub get_includes_string($) { my ($txt) = shift; return get_string_with_sep('/I ', $txt); } sub get_defines_string($) { my ($txt) = shift; # watch out for # [PreprocessorDefinitions= # "WIN32;_DEBUG;_CONSOLE;NOMINMAX;_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS; # DEFAULT_USGS_MAPFILE=\"usgsmap.txt\";DEFAULT_PRIORITIES_FILE=\"default_priorities.txt\""] $txt =~ s/\\\"/\\"/g; return get_string_with_sep('/D ', $txt); } sub get_libpaths_string($) { my ($txt) = shift; return get_string_with_sep('/libpath:', $txt); } sub get_nn($) { # perl nice number nicenum nice_n - add commas my ($n) = shift; if (length($n) > 3) { my $mod = length($n) % 3; my $ret = (($mod > 0) ? substr( $n, 0, $mod ) : ''); my $mx = int( length($n) / 3 ); for (my $i = 0; $i < $mx; $i++ ) { if (($mod == 0) && ($i == 0)) { $ret .= substr( $n, ($mod+(3*$i)), 3 ); } else { $ret .= ',' . substr( $n, ($mod+(3*$i)), 3 ); } } return $ret; } return $n; } sub secs_HHMMSS($) { my ($secs) = @_; if ($secs < 60) { #$secs = "0$secs" if ($secs < 10); return "$secs secs"; } my ($mins,$hour,$days); if ($secs < 3600) { $mins = int($secs / 60); $secs = $secs - ($mins * 60); #$mins = "0$mins" if ($mins < 10); $secs = "0$secs" if ($secs < 10); return "$mins:$secs mm:ss"; } $mins = int($secs / 60); $secs = $secs - ($mins * 60); $hour = int($mins / 60); $mins = $mins - ($hour * 60); $mins = "0$mins" if ($mins < 10); $secs = "0$secs" if ($secs < 10); if ($hour < 24) { #$hour = "0$hour" if ($hour < 10); return "$hour:$mins:$secs hh:mm:ss"; } $days = int($hour / 24); $hour = $hour - ($days * 24); $hour = "0$hour" if ($hour < 10); return "$days days $hour:$mins:$secs hh:mm:ss"; } sub get_YYYYMMDD($) { my ($t) = shift; my @f = (localtime($t))[0..5]; my $m = sprintf( "%04d/%02d/%02d", $f[5] + 1900, $f[4] +1, $f[3]); return $m; } sub lu_get_YYYYMMDD_UTC { my ($t) = shift; # sec, min, hour, mday, mon, year, wday, yday, and isdst. my $tm = gmtime($t); my $m = sprintf( "%04d/%02d/%02d", $tm->year() + 1900, $tm->mon() + 1, $tm->mday()); return $m; } # get date time sub lu_get_YYYYMMDD_hhmmss { my ($t) = shift; my @f = (localtime($t))[0..5]; my $m = sprintf( "%04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $f[5] + 1900, $f[4] +1, $f[3], $f[2], $f[1], $f[0]); return $m; } sub lu_get_hhmmss { my ($t) = shift; my @f = (localtime($t))[0..5]; my $m = sprintf( "%02d:%02d:%02d", $f[2], $f[1], $f[0]); return $m; } sub lu_get_YYYYMMDD_hhmmss_UTC { my ($t) = shift; # sec, min, hour, mday, mon, year, wday, yday, and isdst. my $tm = gmtime($t); my $m = sprintf( "%04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $tm->year() + 1900, $tm->mon() + 1, $tm->mday(), $tm->hour(), $tm->min(), $tm->sec()); return $m; } sub lu_get_hhmmss_UTC { my ($t) = shift; # sec, min, hour, mday, mon, year, wday, yday, and isdst. my $tm = gmtime($t); my $m = sprintf( "%02d:%02d:%02d", $tm->hour(), $tm->min(), $tm->sec()); return $m; } #string dirghtml::b2ks1(double d) // b2ks1(double d) sub util_bytes2ks($) { my ($d) = @_; my $oss; my $kss; my $lg = 0; my $ks = ($d / 1024); #// get Ks my $div = 1; if( $ks < 1024 ) { $div = 1; $oss = "KB"; } elsif ( $ks < (1024 * 1024) ) { $div = 1024; $oss = "MB"; } elsif ( $ks < (1024 * 1024 * 1024) ) { $div = (1024 * 1024); $oss = "GB"; } else { $div = (1024 * 1024 * 1024); $oss = "TB"; } $kss = $ks / $div; $kss += 0.05; $kss *= 10; $lg = int($kss); return( ($lg / 10) . $oss ); } sub ut_fix_directory($) { my $rd = shift; if (length($rd) && (!(${$rd} =~ /(\\|\/)$/))) { ${$rd} .= $PATH_SEP; } } sub ut_fix_rpath_per_os($) { my $rff = shift; my $ff = ${$rff}; $ff = ($os =~ /win/i) ? path_u2d($ff) : path_d2u($ff); ${$rff} = $ff; } sub ut_fix_dir_string($) { my ($rdir) = @_; if (! ( ${$rdir} =~ /(\\|\/)$/) ) { ${$rdir} .= $PATH_SEP; } } 1; # eof - lib_utils.pl