nsisfiles.pl to HTML.

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Generated: Sat Oct 12 17:23:11 2013 from nsisfiles.pl 2013/02/18 22.6 KB. text copy

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# NAME: nsisfiles.pl
# AIM: Read a MSIS msi script, and prepare a file list...
# 15/02/2013 - Initial cut
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Basename;  # split path ($name,$dir,$ext) = fileparse($file [, qr/\.[^.]*/] )
use File::stat# get file info if ($sb = stat($fil)){$dt = $sb->mtime; $sz = $sb->size;}
use Cwd;
my $os = $^O;
my $perl_dir = '/home/geoff/bin';
my $PATH_SEP = '/';
my $temp_dir = '/tmp';
if ($os =~ /win/i) {
    $perl_dir = 'C:\GTools\perl';
    $temp_dir = $perl_dir;
    $PATH_SEP = "\\";
unshift(@INC, $perl_dir);
require 'lib_utils.pl' or die "Unable to load 'lib_utils.pl' Check paths in \@INC...\n";
require 'lib_vcdirs.pl' or die "Unable to load 'lib_vcdirs.pl' Check paths in \@INC...\n";
# log file stuff
our ($LF);
my $pgmname = $0;
if ($pgmname =~ /(\\|\/)/) {
    my @tmpsp = split(/(\\|\/)/,$pgmname);
    $pgmname = $tmpsp[-1];
my $outfile = $temp_dir.$PATH_SEP."temp.$pgmname.txt";

# user variables
my $VERS = "0.0.1 2012-07-18";
my $load_log = 0;
my $in_file = '';
my $verbosity = 0;
my $out_file = '';
my $nsis_dir = '';
my $add_inst_dir = 0;
my $do_expand_wild = 1;

# ### DEBUG ###
my $debug_on = 1;
my $def_file = 'C:\FG\17\build-install\fgx-fgfs-2.10.0-vs2010.nsi';
my $def_nsis = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NSIS';
my $def_out = $temp_dir.$PATH_SEP."tempfl.txt";
my $def_fgvers = '2.10.0';
my $def_osgver = '3.1.4';
my $def_osgnum = '93';

### program variables
my @warnings = ();
my $cwd = cwd();

sub VERB1() { return $verbosity >= 1; }
sub VERB2() { return $verbosity >= 2; }
sub VERB5() { return $verbosity >= 5; }
sub VERB9() { return $verbosity >= 9; }

sub show_warnings($) {
    my ($val) = @_;
    if (@warnings) {
        prt( "\nGot ".scalar @warnings." WARNINGS...\n" );
        foreach my $itm (@warnings) {
    } else {
        prt( "\nNo warnings issued.\n\n" ) if (VERB9());

sub pgm_exit($$) {
    my ($val,$msg) = @_;
    if (length($msg)) {
        $msg .= "\n" if (!($msg =~ /\n$/));

sub prtw($) {
   my ($tx) = shift;
   $tx =~ s/\n$//;

sub strip_comments($) {
    my $line = shift;
    $line =~ s/(.+);.*$/$1/;
    $line =~ s/(.+)\#.*$/$1/;
    $line = trim_all($line);
    return $line;

my %macro_subs = ();
my %done_files = ();

sub process_in_file($);

sub got_wild($) {
    my $txt = shift;
    if ($txt =~ /\*/) {
        return 1;
    } elsif ($txt =~ /\?/) {
        return 2;
    return 0;

sub expand_wild($$) {
    my ($ra,$wild) = @_; # \@out_files,$tmp);
    my (@files,$file,$ff);
    my %hash = ();
    if ($wild =~ /\s+/) {
        $wild =~ s/\\\\/\\/g;
        my ($nm,$dir) = fileparse($wild);
        if ((-d $dir)&&(opendir(DIR,$dir))) {
            @files = readdir(DIR);
            foreach $file (@files) {
                next if ($file eq '.');
                next if ($file eq '..');
                $ff = $dir.$file;
                if (-f $ff) {
        } else {
            push(@{$ra},$wild); # glob does NOT seem to handle spaces well
    } else {
        @files = glob($wild);
        if (@files) {
            foreach $file (@files) {
                $hash{$file} = 1;
            foreach $file (@files) {
                #if (-f $file) {
        } else {

sub do_any_subs($) {
    my $rtxt = shift;
    my $txt = ${$rtxt};
    my $len = length($txt);
    my $ntxt = '';
    my ($tmp,$i,$ch,$pc,$tag,$i2,$nc,$bal,$j,$nxt,$len2);
    my $tst = '';
    my $cnt = 0;
    $pc = 0;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
        $ch = substr($txt,$i,1);
        $tst .= $ch if ($ch ne '"');
    $txt = $tst;
    $len = length($txt);
    $tst = '';
    for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
        $ch = substr($txt,$i,1);
        $i2 = $i + 1;
        $nc = ($i2 < $len) ? substr($txt,$i2,1) : '';
        if (($ch eq '$')&&($nc eq '{')&&($i2 < $len)) {
            $bal = substr($txt,$i2);
            $len2 = length($bal);
            $pc = 1;
            $tag = '';
            $nxt = 0;
            for ($j = 0; $j < $len2; $j++) {
                $nc = substr($bal,$j,1);
                $nxt = $j;
                if ($nc eq '{') {
                    $tag .= $nc;
                } elsif ($nc eq '}') {
                    if ($pc == 0) {
                    } else {
                        $tag .= $nc;
                } else {
                    $tag .= $nc;
            if ($pc == 0) {
                if (defined $macro_subs{$tag}) {
                    $tmp = $macro_subs{$tag};
                    prt("Sub [$tag] with [$tmp] in [\${$bal]\n") if (VERB9());
                    $ntxt .= $tmp;
                    $i = $i2 + $nxt;
                } else {
                    $ntxt .= $ch;
            } else {
                $ntxt .= $ch;
        } elsif ( ($ch eq '$') && ($i2 < $len) ) {
            $bal = substr($txt,$i2);
            $len2 = length($bal);
            if ( (defined $macro_subs{'INSTDIR'}) && ($bal =~ /^INSTDIR/) ) {
                #$bal = substr($bal,7);
                $ntxt = $macro_subs{'INSTDIR'};
                $i += 7;
            } elsif ( (defined $macro_subs{'LOCALAPPDATA'}) && ($bal =~ /^LOCALAPPDATA/) ) {
                $ntxt = $macro_subs{'LOCALAPPDATA'};
                $i += 12;
            } elsif ( (defined $macro_subs{'VCINSTALLDIR'}) && ($bal =~ /^\%VCINSTALLDIR\%/) ) {
                $ntxt = $macro_subs{'VCINSTALLDIR'};
                $i += 14;
            } else {
                $ntxt .= $ch;
        } else {
            $ntxt .= $ch;
    $txt = ${$rtxt};
    ${$rtxt} = $ntxt;
    return $cnt;

# skip QUOTED by either  if (($ch eq '"')||($ch eq "'")||($ch eq "`")) {
sub space_split3 {
   my ($txt) = shift;
   my $len = length($txt);
   my ($k,$ch,$tag,$incomm,$k2,$nch,$pc,$cc);
   my @arr = ();
   $tag = '';
   $incomm = 0;
    $ch = '';
    $cc = '';
   for ($k = 0; $k < $len; $k++) {
      $ch = substr($txt,$k,1);
        $k2 = $k + 1;
        $nch = ($k2 < $len) ? substr($txt,$k2,1) : "";
      if ($incomm) {
            $incomm = 0 if ($ch eq $cc);
         $tag .= $ch;
            # add 2010/05/05 to avoid say '"zlib">' begin a tag
            if (!$incomm) {
                $tag = '';
      } elsif ($ch =~ /\s/) { # any spacey char
            push(@arr, $tag) if (length($tag));
         $tag = '';
      } elsif (($ch =~ /\//)&&($nch eq '>')) { # 04/10/2008, but only if before '>' 24/09/2008 add this as well
         push(@arr, $tag) if (length($tag));
         $tag = $ch; # restart tag with this character
      } else {
         $tag .= $ch;
            if (($ch eq '"')||($ch eq "'")||($ch eq "`")) {
             $incomm = 1;
                $cc = $ch;
   push(@arr, $tag) if (length($tag));
   return @arr;

my $file_counter = 0;
my @out_files = ();

sub process_in_file($) {
    my ($inf) = @_;
    return if (defined $done_files{$inf});
    $done_files{$inf} = 1;
    if (! open INF, "<$inf") {
        pgm_exit(1,"ERROR: Unable to open file [$inf]\n"); 
    my @lines = <INF>;
    close INF;
    my $lncnt = scalar @lines;
    prt("Processing $lncnt lines, from [$inf]...\n"); # if (VERB5());
    my ($line,$inc,$lnn,$ff1,$ff2,$ff3,$oinc);
    my ($command,$remain,$i,$len,$inmac,@arr,$tmp);
    my ($acnt,$def,$j);
    my ($nm,$dir) = fileparse($inf);
    my $ndir = $nsis_dir;
    my $out_path = '';
    if (-d $ndir) {
        if (!defined $macro_subs{'NSISDIR'}) {
            $macro_subs{'NSISDIR'} = $ndir;
            prt("Added macro NSISDIR => $ndir\n");
        $ndir .= "Include".$PATH_SEP;
    $lnn = 0;
    $inmac = 0;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $lncnt; $i++) {
        $line = $lines[$i];
        chomp $line;
        # skip comments
        next if ($line =~ /^\s*;/);
        next if ($line =~ /^\s*\#/);
        $line = trim_all($line);
        $len = length($line);
        next if ($len == 0);
        if ($line =~ /^\/\*/) {
            # comment begin
            #$line = s/^\/\*//;
            $line = substr($line,2);
            while ( !($line =~ /\*\//) ) {
                if ($i < $lncnt) {
                    $line = $lines[$i];
                    chomp $line;
                    $line = trim_all($line);
                } else {
                    prt("Done IN COMMENT $lncnt lines, from [$inf]...\n");
        $line = strip_comments($line);
        @arr = space_split3($line);
        $acnt = scalar @arr;
        $tmp = '';
        for ($j = 1; $j < $acnt; $j++) {
            $tmp .= ' ' if (length($tmp));
            $tmp .= $arr[$j];
        if ($line =~ /!\s*include\s+(.+)$/) {
            $oinc = strip_both_quotes($1);
            $inc = $oinc;
            prt("$lnn: include $inc\n");
            if (do_any_subs(\$inc)) {
                prt("$lnn: INCLUDE $inc\n");
            $ff1 = $dir.$inc;
            $ff2 = $ndir.$inc;
            $ff3 = $inc;
            if (-f $ff1) {
            } elsif (-f $ff2) {
            } elsif (-f $ff3) {
            } else {
                if ($inmac) {
                    prt("Unable to locate INCLUDE FILE in MACRO!\n");
                } else {
                    prt("Unable to locate INCLUDE FILE!\n".
                        "Not [$ff1], \nnor [$ff2], \nnor [$ff3]!\n");
        } elsif ($line =~ /^!(\w+)\s+(.+)$/) {
            $command = $1;
            $remain = $2;
            if ($command eq 'system') {
            } elsif ($command eq 'define') {
                @arr = space_split3($remain);
                $def = $arr[0];
                $acnt = scalar @arr;
                if ($def eq '/math') {
                    prt("$lnn: MATH [$remain]\n") if (VERB9());
                } elsif ($def eq '/file') {
                    prt("$lnn: FILE [$remain]\n") if (VERB9());
                } elsif ($acnt == 1) {
                    $macro_subs{$def} = 'NULL';
                    prt("$lnn:1: $command $def NULL\n") if (VERB9());
                } elsif ($acnt == 2) {
                    $tmp = strip_both_quotes($arr[1]);
                    $macro_subs{$def} = $tmp;
                    prt("$lnn:2: $command $def = $tmp\n") if (VERB9());
                } else {
                    pgm_exit(1,"$lnn:$acnt: [$line] NOT HANDLED! FIX ME!\n");
            } elsif ($command eq 'echo') {
            } elsif ($command eq 'if') {
            } elsif ($command eq 'ifndef') {
            } elsif ($command eq 'ifdef') {
            } elsif ($command eq 'else') {
            } elsif ($command eq 'undef') {
            } elsif ($command eq 'error') {
            } elsif ($command eq 'verbose') {
            } elsif ($command eq 'macro') {
                $inmac = 1;
            } elsif ($command eq 'insertmacro') {
            } elsif ($command eq 'addincludedir') {
            } elsif ($command eq 'appendfile') {
            } elsif ($command eq 'delfile') {
            } elsif ($command eq 'tempfile') {
            } else {
                pgm_exit(1,"$lnn: Unparsed line [$line]! FIX ME\n");
        } elsif ($line =~ /^!(\w+)\s*$/) {
            $command = $1;
            if ($command eq 'macroend') {
                $inmac = 0;
            } elsif ($command eq 'else') {
            } elsif ($command eq 'endif') {
            } else {
                pgm_exit(1,"$lnn: Unparsed command [$line]! FIX ME\n");
        } elsif ($line =~ /^Var/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^Goto/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^Push/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^Pop/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^StrCpy/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^StrCmp/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^IntOp/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^IntCmp/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^SectionGetFlags/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^SectionSetFlags/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^SectionGetInstTypes/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^SectionSetInstTypes/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^System::/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^Function/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^Exch/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^Call/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^If/) {
            #} elsif ($line =~ /^IfAbort/) {
            #} elsif ($line =~ /^IfErrors/) {
            #} elsif ($line =~ /^IfFileExist/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^\$\{.+\}/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^GetFunctionAddress/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^nsDialogs/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^SendMessage/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^ReadINIStr/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^WriteINIStr/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^ExecShell/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^LangString/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^XPStyle/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^ChangeUI/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^Icon/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^UninstallIcon/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^MessageBox/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^Abort/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^mui/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^InitPluginsDir/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^File/) {
            prt("Load FILE [$tmp]\n") if (VERB5());
            if ($tmp =~ /^\/oname=/) {
                # not handled
            } else {
                if ($do_expand_wild && got_wild($tmp)) {
                } else {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^SetOutPath/) {
            # where ot put the file
            prt("Out PATH [$tmp]\n") if (VERB5());
            $out_path = $tmp;
        } elsif ($line =~ /^SetBrandingImage/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^GetDlgItem/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^CreateFont/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^SetCtlColors/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^LoadLanguageFile/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^ReadRegStr/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^WriteRegStr/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^WriteRegDWORD/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^LangDLL/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^ReserveFile/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^LockWindow/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^ShowWindow/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^FindWindow/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^EnableWindow/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^CheckBitmap/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^PageEx/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^PageCallbacks/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^Caption/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^ComponentText/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^DirText/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^DirVar/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^DirVerify/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^SetAutoClose/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^Quit/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^Reboot/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^Return/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^Exec/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^InstallColors/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^InstProgressFlags/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^SubCaption/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^UninstallSubCaption/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^License/) {
            #} elsif ($line =~ /^LicenseBkColor/) {
            #} elsif ($line =~ /^LicenseData/) {
            #} elsif ($line =~ /^LicenseText/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^ClearErrors/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^StartMenu/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^Uninstall/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^Name/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^OutFile/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^SetCompressor/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^RequestExecutionLevel/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^InstallDir/) {
            prt("Set INSTDIR=$tmp\n");
            if (!defined $macro_subs{'INSTDIR'}) {
                if ($add_inst_dir) {
                    $macro_subs{'INSTDIR'} = $tmp;
        } elsif ($line =~ /^Section/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^SetShellVarContext/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^CreateShortCut/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^CreateDirectory/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^WriteUninstaller/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^Delete/) {
        } elsif ($line =~ /^RMDir/) {
        } else {
            prt("Unparsed line [$line]! FIX ME\n");
            pgm_exit(1,"$lnn: in [$inf] FIX ME\n");
    prt("Done $lncnt lines, from [$inf]...\n");
    $file_counter-- if ($file_counter);
    if ($file_counter == 0) {
        my ($sb,$sz,$total_size);
        $total_size = 0;
        $acnt = scalar @out_files;
        if (length($out_file) == 0) {
            prt("Loaded $acnt files... no out file (-o file) given...\n");
        } else {
            $line = '';
            foreach $tmp (@out_files) {
                $line .= "$tmp\n";
                if ($sb = stat($tmp)) {
                    $sz = $sb->size;
                    $total_size += $sz;
            prt("Loaded $acnt files... written to file [$out_file]\n");
            prt("Estimated total size ".get_nn($total_size)." bytes. (".util_bytes2ks($total_size).")\n");

sub set_up() {
    if (exists $ENV{'LOCALAPPDATA'}) {
        $macro_subs{'LOCALAPPDATA'} = $ENV{'LOCALAPPDATA'};

    my ($instdir);
    if (get_vcinstalldir(\$instdir)) {
        prt("Got VCINSTALLDIR=$instdir\n");
        $macro_subs{'VCINSTALLDIR'} = $instdir;
    } else {
        prt("FAILED to get VCINSTALLDIR dirs\n");

sub test() {
    my ($incdirs,$instdir);
    if (get_vsinstalldir(\$instdir)) {
        prt("Got VCINSTALLDIR=$instdir\n");
    } else {
        prt("FAILED to get VCINSTALLDIR dirs\n");
    prt("Getting INCLUDE directories...\n");
    if (get_include_dirs3(\$incdirs)) {
        my $cnt = scalar @{$incdirs};
        prt("Got $cnt inc dirs\n");
        foreach $cnt (@{$incdirs}) {
            prt(" [$cnt]\n");
    } else {
        prt("FAILED to get INCLUDE dirs\n");
    pgm_exit(1,"TEST EXIT\n");

### MAIN ###
### test();

sub need_arg {
    my ($arg,@av) = @_;
    pgm_exit(1,"ERROR: [$arg] must have a following argument!\n") if (!@av);

sub parse_args {
    my (@av) = @_;
    my ($arg,$sarg);
    while (@av) {
        $arg = $av[0];
        if ($arg =~ /^-/) {
            $sarg = substr($arg,1);
            $sarg = substr($sarg,1) while ($sarg =~ /^-/);
            if (($sarg =~ /^h/i)||($sarg eq '?')) {
                pgm_exit(0,"Help exit(0)");
            } elsif ($sarg =~ /^v/) {
                if ($sarg =~ /^v.*(\d+)$/) {
                    $verbosity = $1;
                } else {
                    while ($sarg =~ /^v/) {
                        $sarg = substr($sarg,1);
                prt("Verbosity = $verbosity\n") if (VERB1());
            } elsif ($sarg =~ /^l/) {
                if ($sarg =~ /^ll/) {
                    $load_log = 2;
                } else {
                    $load_log = 1;
                prt("Set to load log at end. ($load_log)\n") if (VERB1());
            } elsif ($sarg =~ /^o/) {
                shift @av;
                $sarg = $av[0];
                $out_file = $sarg;
                prt("Set out file to [$out_file].\n") if (VERB1());
            } else {
                pgm_exit(1,"ERROR: Invalid argument [$arg]! Try -?\n");
        } else {
            $in_file = $arg;
            prt("Set input to [$in_file]\n") if (VERB1());
        shift @av;

    if ($debug_on) {
        prtw("WARNING: Debug is ON\n");
        if (length($in_file) ==  0) {
            $in_file = $def_file;
            prt("Set DEFAULT input to [$in_file]\n");
            ###$load_log = 2;
        if (length($nsis_dir) ==  0) {
            $nsis_dir = $def_nsis;
            prt("Set DEFAULT NSIS folder to [$nsis_dir]\n");
        if (length($out_file) == 0) {
            $out_file = $def_out;
            prt("Set DEFAULT out file to [$out_file]\n");
        if (!defined $macro_subs{'FGVersion'}) {
            $macro_subs{'FGVersion'} = $def_fgvers;
            prt("Set DEFAULT macro_subs{'FGVersion'} = ".$macro_subs{'FGVersion'}."\n");
        if (!defined $macro_subs{'OSGVersion'}) {
            $macro_subs{'OSGVersion'} = $def_osgver;
            prt("Set DEFAULT macro_subs{'OSGVersion'} = ".$macro_subs{'OSGVersion'}."\n");
        if (!defined $macro_subs{'OSGSoNumber'}) {
            $macro_subs{'OSGSoNumber'} = $def_osgnum; # 93
            prt("Set DEFAULT macro_subs{'OSGSoNumber'} = ".$macro_subs{'OSGSoNumber'}."\n");
    if (length($in_file) ==  0) {
        pgm_exit(1,"ERROR: No input files found in command!\n");
    if (! -f $in_file) {
        pgm_exit(1,"ERROR: Unable to find in file [$in_file]! Check name, location...\n");

sub give_help {
    prt("$pgmname: version $VERS\n");
    prt("Usage: $pgmname [options] in-file\n");
    prt(" --help  (-h or -?) = This help, and exit 0.\n");
    prt(" --verb[n]     (-v) = Bump [or set] verbosity. def=$verbosity\n");
    prt(" --load        (-l) = Load LOG at end. ($outfile)\n");
    prt(" --out <file>  (-o) = Write output to this file.\n");

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