fav-03.pl to HTML.

index -|- end

Generated: Tue Feb 2 17:54:31 2010 from fav-03.pl 2006/06/29 6.6 KB.

# AIM: To read the Internet Favorites, and produce
# a HTML document, with links and description
# 2005.11.12 - works ok - geoff mclane
# update 2006.06.28 - weed out (a) duplicates (not done) and (b) local references
# Added a MAXIMUM width, so the table approximately 'fits' a 1024 wide screen
# change to using '<base target="_blank">'
my $DT = '2006.06.29';
$VERSION = '0.3';
$PACKAGE = 'fav-03';
my $hvers = "<!-- $DT - update -->\n";
$hvers .= '<!-- p26.2005.11.11 - List of favorites in PRO-1 geoffmclane.com/favorites.htm -->';
print "$0 ... Hello, World ...\n";
if( !defined( $ENV{'USERPROFILE'} ) ) {
   print "Can NOT locate USERPROFILE in ENVironment!\n";
my $ff = $ENV{'USERPROFILE'} . '\\Favorites';
if( !( -d $ff ) ) {
   print "Folder $ff is NOT a directory!\n";
# set a sample maximum title, wrap start at -10 from this - original set at 60
#             12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
#                      1         2         3         4         5         6         7
my $maxtit = 'Domain Name Registration, Domain Transfers. Your domain'; # name search starts here.';
my $logfil = "templog.csv";
my $htmfil = 'favorites.htm';
my $basedir = $ff;
my $blen = length($basedir);
my ($fn,$ffn,$LF,$HF);
my @dirs = ($ff);
my @fils = ();
open $LF, ">$logfil" or die "Can NOT open LOG file $logfil!\n";
open $HF, ">$htmfil" or die "Can NOT open HTML file $htmfil!\n";
my $fcnt = scalar @fils;
my $dcnt = scalar @dirs;
my $maxwid = length($maxtit);
#print "Found $fcnt files, and $dcnt directories ...\n";
while (scalar @dirs) {
   local @dir2 = @dirs;
   @dirs = ();
   while ($fn = shift @dir2) {
$fcnt = scalar @fils;
$dcnt = scalar @dirs;
print "Total: $fcnt URL files ...\n";
# choosing a DOCTYPE
my $doctyp4 = '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">';
##my $doctypt = '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">';
##my $doctyps = '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">';
##my $doctyp3 = '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN">';
oh( "<p>This table is auto-generated from a Perl script, reading and analysing my 'Favorites' folder, from the USERPROFILE given in the environment.</p>" );
oh( '<table border="1" width="100%" summary="List of favorites - First column is title, and link -2nd is URL">' );
oh( ' <tr>' );
oh( '  <td><b>Title</b></td>' );
oh( '  <td><b>Link</b></td>' );
oh( ' </tr>' );
foreach $fn (@fils) {
   # process each file
   local $FH;
   if ( open( $FH, $fn ) ) {
      local @lns = <$FH>; # slurp in the lines
      local $sn = sb($fn);
      ###prt( "Processing " . sb($fn) . " of " . scalar @lns . " lines ...\n");
      close( $FH );
      local $line;
      foreach $line (@lns) {
         chomp $line;
         if( $line =~ /^URL=/ ) {
            local $u = substr($line,4); ## ~ s/^URL=//;
            prt( "\"$sn\",$u" );
            $u =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
            oh( '   <tr>' );
            #oh( "    <td><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"$u\">$sn</a></td>" );
            oh( "    <td><a href=\"$u\">$sn</a></td>" );
            ##$u =~ s/&/&amp;/o;
            oh( "    <td>".max_sub($u,$maxwid)."</td>" );
            oh( '   </tr>' );
   } else {
      print "Unable to open file $fn ...\n";
oh( '</table>' );
close( $HF );
close( $LF );
system( $htmfil );
sub get_lists {
   ###foreach $fn (@files) {
   while ($fn = shift @_) {
      next if ($fn eq '.');
      next if ($fn eq '..');
      $ffn = $ff . '\\' . $fn;
      if( -d $ffn ) {
         push(@dirs, $ffn);
      } else {
         if ($fn =~ /\.url$/i) {
            push(@fils, $ffn);
         } else {
            print "Discarding file $ffn ...\n";
   $fcnt = scalar @fils;
   $dcnt = scalar @dirs;
   print "Found $fcnt files, and $dcnt directories ...\n";
sub do_dir {
   local ($dn) = @_;
   print "Processing $dn ...\n";
   opendir(DIRH, $dn);
   local @f = readdir(DIRH);
   print "Found " . scalar @f . " entries ...\n";
   $ff = $dn;
sub prt {
   #print @_;
   print $LF @_;
sub max_sub {
   my ($ln, $max) = @_;
   my $nln = $ln;
   if (length($ln) > $max) {
      my @arr = split(/ /,$ln);
      $nln = '';
      my $bit = '';
      my $bl = 0;
      my $sl = 0;
      my $sc = 0;
      foreach my $s (@arr) {
         $sl = length($s);
         $bl = length($bit);
         while ($sl > $max) {
            if ($bl) {
               $bit .= ' ';
            $bit .= substr($s, 0, $max - $bl);
            $s = substr($s, $max - $bl);
            if (length($nln)) {
               $nln .= "<br>\n";
            $nln .= $bit;
            $bit = '';
            $sl = length($s);
            $bl = length($bit);
            $sc = 0;
         if ($bl) {
            if (( $bl + $sc + length($s) ) > $max ) {
               if (length($nln)) {
                  $nln .= "<br>\n";
               $nln .= $bit;
               $bit = $s;
               $sc = 0;
            } else {
               $bit .= ' ';
               $bit .= $s;
         } else {
            $bit = $s;
            $sc = 0;
      if (length($bit)) {
         if (length($nln)) {
            $nln .= "<br>\n";
         $nln .= $bit;
   return $nln;
sub sb {
   local ($f) = @_;
   local $b2 = quotemeta($basedir);
   ###$f =~ s/^$basedir//;
   ###$f = substr( $f, (length($basedir) + 1) );
   ##$f = substr( $f, ($blen + 1), (length($f) - $blen - 5) );
   $f =~ s/^$b2\\//;
   $f =~ s/\.url$//;
   #return $f;
   return (max_sub($f, $maxwid));
sub ohl {
   print $HF "\n";
sub oh {
   local ($txt) = @_;
   print $HF $txt;
sub out_htm_head {
oh( $doctyp4 );
oh( '<html>' );
oh( '<head>' );
oh( "<title>List of Favorites - $DT</title>" );
oh( '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">' );
oh( '<meta name="Author" content="Geoff Mclane">' );
oh( '<style type="text/css">' );
oh( '<!-- /* Style Definitions */' );
oh( 'body {' );
oh( ' background-image:url("clds3.jpg");' );
oh( ' margin: 0cm 1cm 0cm 1cm;' );
oh( '}' );
oh( 'h1{' );
oh( ' background:#efefef;' );
oh( ' border-style: solid solid solid solid;' );
oh( ' border-color:#d9e2e2;' );
oh( ' border-width:1px;' );
oh( ' padding:2px 2px 2px 2px;' );
oh( ' font-size:200%;' );
oh( ' text-align:center;' );
oh( '}' );
oh( '.ctr { text-align:center; }' );
oh( '.bld { font-weight:bold; }' );
oh( '-->' );
oh( '</style>' );
oh( '<base target="_blank">' ); # set so ALL open in 'New Window'
oh( '</head>' );
oh( '<body>' );
oh( "<h1>List of Favorites $DT</h1>" );
oh( '<p class="ctr"><a href="favorite.htm">back</a> <a href="home2.htm">home</a></p>' );
sub out_htm_tail {
oh( '<p class="ctr"><a href="favorite.htm">back</a> <a href="home2.htm">home</a></p>' );
oh( '</body>' );
oh( $hvers );
oh( '</html>' );

index -|- top

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