FGFS Mirrors

Feel free to visit any of the FlightGear mirrors, but you'll likely have fastest load times if you pick one that's closest to you.

If you are interested in setting up additional mirror sights please contact Curt's email address. At last count, the web pages consume about 45Mb, and the minimal, very basic, ftp data consumes about 180Mb.

FTP (Download) Mirrors

Location URL Comments
USA, North Carolina http://mirrors.ibiblio.org/pub/mirrors/flightgear/ftp/ ftp tree (via an http server)
USA, Minnesota ftp.flightgear.org/pub/flightgear/ ftp (limited users = 10)
USA, California ftp://ftp.kingmont.com/flightsims/flightgear/ ftp
Germany ftp://ftp.de.flightgear.org/pub/fgfs/ ftp
Germany ftp://flightgear.wo0t.de/ ftp
Germany http://flightgear.mxchange.org/pub/fgfs/ ftp
Austria http://www.very-clever.com/download/flightgear/ ftp
Ukraine ftp://ftp.linux.kiev.ua/pub/mirrors/ftp.flightgear.org/flightgear/ ftp
South Africa ftp://ftp.is.co.za/pub/games/flightgear/ ftp

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Latest Version

v2.0.0 - 18 Feb 2010

A new major update of the FligtGear simulator. Please check the readme


Notam image file

Would all pilots try and avoid mpserver02 as its often overloaded.